a community where we embrace diversity
a space where we are aware of the influence we have on others experience
a night that you want to be able to remember 

Follow @klub22aarhus on instagram for ongoing updates.
For any interest in collaborations, please send an email to: admin@klub22.com 

A new temporary cultural space, that represents minorities and underrepresented music genres in the nightlife.

By openly promoting a responsible and non-discriminating behaviour, we want to be an advocate for less discrimination in the nightlife.

 more info ︎︎︎

What you cannot find in the nightlife in Aarhus is a place you come to party with others, and not next to each other. A club where you step into a stimulating curated experience, and where the drinking culture is challenged in favor of engaging and experimental experiences in the nightlife.

The essence of KLUB22 is to create quality content in the nightlife in Aarhus, by creating a new cultural space that is more inclusive and responsible without any discrimination.

Our focus

KLUB22 will focus on creating an experimental scene full of intercultural quality music experiences, by including a variety of different actors to collaborative across disciplines.

The project furthermore seeks to build a rich community for active, daring and experimental creators, by supporting them with the necessary ressources and frames to create the change we all desire to see.