FLUKHX & KLUB22 presents:


14.10.2022  / 15:00 - 03:30 

On October 14, the cultural growth layer of Aarhus spontaneously and wildly took over the city and created a cultural night to remember.

KLUB22 joined in on a collaboration with 
Frontløberne, Ungdomskulturhuset - UKH and Institut for (X) to create a day full of events and live music around the four locations. 

Why keep it a secret though? 

We believe in the magic of being surprised and daring to embark on an adventure. That's why we boldly and experimentally decided that this project should not be marketed and exposed until the very last moment, but instead we want to pique people's curiosity with small teasers. The line-up for the event was secret until the day of the event, but the rumors might have been swirling around for weeks. 

We hope the project will inspire people to go out and explore something new and fairly unknown in the cultural scene in Aarhus.